Sunday, January 23, 2011

It's Retrieval Time...

Yesterday, Brad and I had our last check up appointment before the retrieval tomorrow.  We would really appreciate your prayers.  I had a new doctor yesterday who is not too familiar with my peculiar anatomy.  He was very unsure of where both my ovaries were and couldn't really confirm egg count etc, because he wasn't sure what he was seeing.  He made me a little uneasy to say the least.  He is the doctor that will be doing the retrieval Monday and I am not feeling so comfortable with that idea.  I really wish the doctor that knows me and my anatomy was the one scheduled to do it, but he isn't.  SO, we are having to trust that God divinely appointed him for my procedure and that He will be leading the doctor through every step.  Please pray for the doctor, that his hands would be guided by the Great Physician.  We go in for the retrieval at 8 am tomorrow.

Thankful for a one day break from the shots.  Enjoying every bit of my day off. :)  Thanks for your prayers.  Implantation will be either Thursday or Saturday.  They call us Wednesday to let us know when they plan to implant.  Will keep you posted.

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