Friday, January 14, 2011

I Have TWO Ovaries!

Can you believe it?  Ha.  I am a little less weird than I thought I was.  Every time we went to the see the fertility doctor or the OB, no one could find my left ovary.  I was pretty confident I just didn't have the other one.  I have had a sonogram wand scan everything but my ear and they couldn't find the darn thing.  But since starting the stimulation meds my ovary decided to make an appearance.

He was scanning my right ovary to see how many eggs we had brewin' and he said, "Let's look for the left one."  I was thinking, "Yea, good luck."  And wah lah...there it was!  I'm pretty sure he thought I was crazy because I was so excited.  I said, "Yay, I have two ovaries! I am not missing as many parts as I thought." haha.  I almost felt like skipping out of the hospital.  Or that I should make an announcement to everyone in the lobby.  He even appeared to be making more eggs than they other guy.  Slacker.  I am not sure that it changes much, but it just so refreshing to get good news and to know that we aren't just depending on my one lil' ovary.  Now that is an interesting praise/prayer that I was sending up today... "Lord, two ovaries, two ovaries! Oh my gosh, thank you.  You are awesome."  haha.

Well, I feel like I should have a party or something.  But it would have to be a water and cheese party. :)  I am not sure I would have many takers.

Just thought I would get on and share the good news since shouting it from the hospital parking garage roof top would have been completely inappropriate.

I will sing praise.


Ken Melchiorre said...

Man, you sure are "ovary" excited.... dad

Sharlieharby said...

"Ovary," I am! How could I not be, I'm a double hatcher now. Haha

The Whites said...

Yipee...Wahoo! Praise God and we are excited with you. This made me smile:-)

Katy said...

Yeah! Let's celebrate!!! :-)

Chevas said...

Whoop Whoop!!

Carey said...

Yay for two ovaries!!!