Monday, October 15, 2012

Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Day

Excerpt from Sarah's Laughter Email Support:

Today is Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Day, a day set aside to honor babies lost to miscarriage, stillbirth or early infant loss.  Surely life has no greater sorrow than the loss of a child.  How grateful we are that God Himself understands this hurt.

Tears are frequent companions along the road you travel.  They appear at the most inconvenient times and refuse to be silenced.  Your heart is heavy from the burden you bear, and life insults you by continuing on.

You have an appointment, and it is one your heart will want to keep.  Facing the loss of your precious babies, appointments with doctors become something that we tend to fear or dread.  We grow weary of bad reports and worse realities.  Many times the appointments raise more questions than ever, and they all remain unanswered.  But there is an appointment set for you with the One who holds every answer to every question your heart has ever asked.  You have an appointment with God.

One day, you will stand face to face with the God who chose to allow you to suffer through the unbelievable sorrow of the death of your babies.  One day, you will look into the eyes of Love Himself and finally have a conversation with the only One who knows the reasons why.   What will God do?  The answer is found in Revelation 21:3-5:

And I heard a loud voice from the throne, say, “Behold, the tabernacle of God
is among men, and He will dwell among them, and they shall be His people, and
God Himself will be among them, and

He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain;

the first things have passed away.”  And He who sits on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.”  And He said, “Write, for these words are faithful and true.”

Your tears will come to an end that day.  The same hand that formed the first man, the same hand that stretched out over raging waters and calmed a storm, the same hand that had a nail driven through it, the same hand that formed your babies in your womb, will one day reach out to you again, and wipe the tears from your face.  He’ll lock eyes with you and touch your face.  Your tears and your hurt will vanish, never to take residence in your heart again.  With compassion unmatched through time and eternity, your Heavenly Father will make all things new, and will banish sorrow and mourning from your heart.  No more death.  No more pain.  No more prematurity.  No more separation.  All things will be made new.

Until that day, weep when you need to.  The same Lord who will wipe your tears away takes note of those same tears today, and He keeps them in a bottle.  He promises to be near to you when you are brokenhearted.  He must be close today.

So grieve as you need to.  Just don’t grieve as those who have no hope.  Your tears will end one day, and you’ll see your babies again.  It’s an appointment I know you’ll want to keep.

(c) 2012 Sarah’s Laughter-Christian Support for Infertility & Child Loss

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Continually Relevant

I was cleaning out a few things yesterday and stumbled upon an old note from a friend.  I believe the note is about 7-9 years old and is from my college days.  I had to chuckle as I read it, because I was apparently struggling with the same thing years ago that I am today...just different circumstances.  And the great thing is God's word is still relevant and still carries the same level of truth.

I am currently seeking to be content in our circumstances and to find ways to serve since we are flexible and don't have children.  :)  I am attempting to sow and live in today, not focusing so much on the uncontrollable future. Today holds so many blessings and if I am continually looking forward worrying about what our future holds OR doesn't hold for that matter, I will miss out on today's gifts and opportunities.

I am sure I will pick up this very same card  in another 10 years and still be trying to apply it, a timeless truth. :)

Monday, October 1, 2012

Self Talk

As many of you already know, we lost another pregnancy.  We now have six little ones who rest with our Lord and King.  It will be the dang Brady Bunch when Brad and I get to heaven!   I am still processing and grieving the baby lost, pregnancy in itself, and motherhood.  Maybe I can find words for all of that some day soon.  Until then I am fighting to speak truth to myself.  I dug up some old counseling materials from my time with Michele.  I was encouraged again by these words to seek truth though God's word, so that I can get back in right thinking about our circumstances. I hope it encourages you where ever He has you.

"The point is we found our happiness and contentedness in the relationship, not in our circumstances.

The same principle applies but on a much grander scale when we know God well and consider the kind of person Who is in our circumstances with us.  This was the attitude of the prophets and the apostles.  Though they faced persecution and adversity, they were amazingly joyful and content because of what they experienced in their relationship with God Himself.  The is the divine intention for all of us.

We must learn to interpret our experiences by what we know about God through His Word instead of interpreting what God is like by our experiences.  If we do not ground our belief about the nature of God and His disposition to us in the Scriptures, we will reject much of what He says about Himself when we face difficulty." Tracking : The Way Down."

The Lord gave me this passage right before we got our "no."

"Arise, O LORD! Confront him, subdue him!
Deliver my soul from the wicked by your sword,
from men by your hand, O LORD,
from men of the world whose portion is in this life.
You fill their womb with treasure;
they are satisfied with children,
and they leave their abundance to their infants.
As for me, I shall behold your face in righteousness;
when I awake, I shall be satisfied with your likeness."
(Psalm 17:13-15 ESV)

Lord, may I be content with you growing us up in you and shaping us to your likeness.  It's my prayer that I would get there.