Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Test Rescheduled, Prayer email #2

Hi dear friends...

I got a call from the doctor's office today. Humana was giving them a hard time about covering my test for tomorrow so they had to cancel it and postpone it until Tuesday (11 am). I am bummed...now I have to take off work to go and felt prepared for tomorrow. But I am trusting that the Lord's timing is much better than mine. Of course. He put a hold on the insurance, I am sure of it. :) It throws my cycle to go 4 days later and we can't try this month due to the dye being inserted later than 10 days in...but anywho...for some reason God wanted that and we will take it. Just attempting to abide and stay there. Thank you for your prayers. You can send some up tomorrow still haha...I am having the blood work done for the PCOS at 8:15 am.

LOVE all of you. Have a great weekend. I will let you know if I hear anything from the blood work. Thank you for praying and thank you all for your encouraging words. I cherished each and every one of them.

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