Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Continually Relevant

I was cleaning out a few things yesterday and stumbled upon an old note from a friend.  I believe the note is about 7-9 years old and is from my college days.  I had to chuckle as I read it, because I was apparently struggling with the same thing years ago that I am today...just different circumstances.  And the great thing is God's word is still relevant and still carries the same level of truth.

I am currently seeking to be content in our circumstances and to find ways to serve since we are flexible and don't have children.  :)  I am attempting to sow and live in today, not focusing so much on the uncontrollable future. Today holds so many blessings and if I am continually looking forward worrying about what our future holds OR doesn't hold for that matter, I will miss out on today's gifts and opportunities.

I am sure I will pick up this very same card  in another 10 years and still be trying to apply it, a timeless truth. :)

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