My Dearest Prayer Warriors!
So...I have an update for all of you who have been journeying with me through what the docs call "infertility"...I don't like that word.
Sounds way to final and I know God is so much bigger than the big "I" word. Brad and I are so thankful for all of you and the ways you have encouraged us in our journey. We are also thankful for how the Lord is using this in our marriage and in our walks with Him.
In God's amazing goodness, we were able to get an apt with an incredible fertility doctor in Jacksonville. He is a good family friend of the Harby's and he has gone above and beyond to make sure we are taken care of. We had an apt with him last week and learned that I possibly have PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome). I will be having blood work done on February 5th to confirm this. I am not really sure what this entails completely, but we have been reassured that there are lots of things that can be done to help us achieve pregnancy in light of this diagnosis. I am still researching and learning... and of course have lots of questions for the doctor when I see him next, haha. I know it has something to do with androgens (an excess of male hormones) and insulin problems. Both somehow play a part in me not ovulating and when I don't ovulate, the follicles build up into little cysts in my ovaries. Post trying to achieve pregnancy, I will have to heavily focus on my diet to make sure that I don't allow the insulin problem to turn into diabetes.
The other part of the equation is my solo kidney. The doctor says there is a link between women born with one kidney and uterine abnormalities. On the 5th I will also be having and HSG something or other (dye inserted inside) to see if I have an abnormal shaped uterus. The shape of the uterus can have huge implications on fertility. I know my uterus is already the shape it is going to be and there is nothing I can do about that, but I wanted to ask you all to partner with us in praying that my uterus is a shape that is able to carry babies and that I would be ready to hear whatever the doctor finds. I have also heard that this test is quite uncomfortable and I am a little nervous about that. But mostly I covet your prayers regarding the shape issue as well as my response to the diagnosis.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support. We will know lots more Friday the 5th!
Love you all dearly.
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